Fri., 26 May 2023
Space for Rivers – River Exploration III
Inhabiting the River
Where Former hydroelectric power station Rendlstain, Ponte S. Antonio, Bolzano
Time 6 pm
The two experts in the field of sociology, Ermira Kola and Diana Seyffarth, will lead us on an exploration of Bolzano’s rivers, investigating the tensions revolving public spaces along rivers in an urban setting. As part of the exhibitions public program, the river exploration sets off on Friday, 26.05.2023, at 6 pm from Herwig Turk’s Space for Rivers.
The river and its adjacent green spaces are considered the most important recreational zone of the city where different generations share a public space. Simultaneously, many people seek a temporary shelter in the river space, which is regularly restricted by the city’s law enforcers. The exploration will touch on the highlights of this open but often invisible conflict between politics and social fragility, housing rights and hostile architecture. In wake of these topics the we will gain insight into the constant redefinition of the conditions of coexistence between urban context and people on the margins.
What social environment does the spaces around rivers reflect? What do rivers tell us about social change in a city and what new relationships does water teach us?