Where Ca’ Bottacin, Venice

Time 3 pm

Language English, Italian

Torno indietro un attimo the project by the artist Antonio Rovaldi on the Adige River as part of FLUX – River Interventions and Explorations, lands at Venice thanks to the collaboration with NICHE THE NEW INSTITUTE Centre for Environmental Humanities (NICHE), a research center of Ca’ Foscari University that investigates aquatic landscapes, promoting transdisciplinary and international research, both theoretical and empirical.


On Monday, June 24, two events will broaden the discussion around Antonio Rovaldi’s project on the Adige River, starting from his research and his photographic and editorial project. At 3 pm, as part of TREMBLING WATERS. A Walk Through, a seminar that opens a dialogue with other artists and researchers from the NICHE research group, Antonio Rovaldi will present his practice of slow walking and the how the act of photographing is closely related to this.


At 5 pm, the artist talk TORNO INDIETRO UN ATTIMO. Along a River will follow, with the partecipation of Esther Kinsky, Antonio Rovaldi, and Francesco Vallerani (NICHE), and the project curators Angelika Burtscher and Daniele Lupo, moderated by Cristina Baldacci (NICHE). The photographic reflection that Antonio Rovaldi dedicated to the Adige River, a visual narrative of a humid and elastic geography, becomes an opportunity for a dialogue between the artist, a writer, and a geographer, both experts in river environments and communities, to create an interdisciplinary debate on aquatic ecosystems.


Do not miss the chance to join the event!


::: At a glance :::

Monday, June 24, 3-4.30 pm
Seminar, as part of the Ecological Art Practices and Waterscapes research cluster (NICHE)
Language: English
Sala Gialla, Ca’ Bottacin, Venice


5-6.30 pm
Artist Talk, as part of the ART ECOLOGIES series (NICHE)
with Esther Kinksy (writer), Antonio Rovaldi (Artist), Francesco Vallerani (Geographer, NICHE), Angelika Burtscher and Daniele Lupo (Curators, Lungomare). Moderates the talk Cristina Baldacci (Art historian, NICHE)
Welcoming by Francesca Tarocco (Director of NICHE)
Language: Italian

Androne, Ca’ Bottacin, Venice