Where Museion, Bolzano-Bozen

Twenty years after its opening, Museion presents an exhibition dedicated to Piccolo Museion – Cubo Garutti that reflects on the value of public art in the contemporary world and looks at the present and future of this special piece of architecture in Bolzano’s Don Bosco district. 


What is public space and how does its meaning change when art shines a light on it? How is the Piccolo Museion living the present and what can it look forward to in the future?

This tribute exhibition, curated by Frida Carazzato in collaboration with Lungomare (Angelika Burtscher and Daniele Lupo), seeks to answer these questions by presenting the Cube, its location, and its history from different perspectives.


To discover more!




Friday, June 14th

11 am




Museion Passage, Bolzano