The cultural association Lungomare has been transformed into a cooperative. Our projects from 2021 onwards can be found on this website.

Quale Bellezza? – Venus of the rags at Bolzano

In the frame of the project Quale Bellezza? The Venus of rags in Bolzano, curated by Manuel Canelles (Spazio5 artecontemporanea – embassy of the project Terzo Paradiso) and Nazario Zambaldi (Teatro Pratiko – project META) we were able to admire the famous Venere of the rags by Michelangelo Pistoletto (1967) to cross some of the most delicate borders of our country to finally reach Bolzano on September 2nd. Following its long wandering the work was installed inside the courtyard of the Faculty of Design and Arts of the University of Bolzano, where it will remain visible from the top until October 13th.

13.10.2018 – FINISSAGE

18:00 – 20:00

The Venus of Ventimiglia

Double talk about the incredible experience of the Gianchette di Ventimiglia neighborhood, symbol of the supportive action of Don Rito Alvarez who gave shelter to more than twelve thousand people rejected on the borders of France. With the intervention of Don Rito Alvarez, the volunteers of the Gianchette district and the Education Department of the Castello di Rivoli that with the project SconfinataMente has collaborated in the stay of the Venus of the rags at Ventimiglia.

20:00 – 22:00

Inter-ethnic dinner – Appointment with the traveling project “Cucine senza confine” by Rachele Sordi for Officine Vispa.

Soundtrack performance – Curated by Stefano Bernardi