Women Who Run with the Wolves

Myths and Stories of the Wild Woman Archetype
by Clarissa Pinkola Estés
(in English)

In WOMEN WHO RUN WITH THE WOLVES, Dr. Estés unfolds rich intercultural myths, fairy tales, and stories, many from her own family, in order to help women reconnect with the fierce, healthy, visionary attributes of this instinctual nature. Through the stories and commentaries in this remarkable book, we retrieve, examine, love, and understand the Wild Woman and hold her against our deep psyches as one who is both magic and medicine.


Il domani narrato dalle voci di oggi
Edited by Igiaba Scego
With contributions by Leila El Houssi; Lucia Ghebreghiorges; Alesa Herero; Esperance H. Ripanti; Djarah Kan; Ndack Mbaye; Marie Moïse; Leaticia Ouedraogo; Angelica Pesarini; Addes Tesfamariam; Wii.
(in Italian)

Eleven Afro-Italian women authors talk about the future, generations and roots. An anthology in search of a new language, new ideas, strong, different and unexplored perspectives. An anthology that starts from where we live, Italy, and looks elsewhere, with extraordinary strength and emotion. A book that wants to mark a step towards tomorrow, narrating it, inventing it, observing the present and the past.

Dekolonisierung des Denkens:

Essays über afrikanische Sprachen in der Literatur.
by Ngugi wa Thiong’
(In German)

In his essay collection “Dekolonisierung des Denkens (Decolonising Thought)”, the author analyses the intellectual consequences of European colonialism, the suppression of the languages of Africa and thus also the destruction of cultures. When the end of colonial rule was fought for, European cultural dominance persisted. Europe’s languages, its thinking, its view of history and the present continue to influence African self-understanding to this day.

Can the subaltern speak?

Reflections on the history of an idea
by Rosalind C. Morris
(in English)

Spivak’s essay hones in on the historical and ideological factors that obstruct the possibility of being heard for those who inhabit the periphery. It is a probing interrogation of what it means to have political subjectivity, to be able to access the state, and to suffer the burden of difference in a capitalist system that promises equality yet withholds it at every turn.


by Mithu M.Sanyal
(in German)

In her first novel “Identitti”, Mithu Sanyal deals ironically and knowledgeably with questions of cultural identity and appropriation: Prof Dr Saraswatu, Professor of Postcolonial Studies in Düsseldorf and supergoddess of all debates about identity is not, as in her self-description, a person of colour, but – white! While the net hounds her and demos demand her dismissal, her student Nivedita asks her the most intimate questions…

Why We Matter

Das Ende der Unterdrückung
by Emilia Roig
(in German)

How do we recognise our privileges? How can white people see the reality of black people? Male Muslims that of white women? And white women that of male Muslims? Activist and political scientist Emilia Roig shows how racism intersects with other types of discrimination in everyday life.

Da-zwischen / In sospensione tra due mondi

Ausländerinnen in Südtirol und im Trentino / Racconti di vita di donne
edited by Elisa Pavone and Valiera Vanni
(bilingual German/Italian)

The stories tell of women who are looking for a way and ask themselves how they can combine their roots in other countries and religions with the modern western way of life. They want to live and work here, to find a new home.

Witches - Hunted Appropriated Empowered Queered

by Anna Colin
(in English)

At least three types of witches exist: those who practice witchcraft, those who are characterized as witches (by courts, religious institutions or public opinion), and those who proclaim themselves witches but do not practice witchcraft. The latter two categories, which arise from a social construct and treat witchcraft as a metaphor, are the focus of this publication.

Wessen Erinnerung zählt?

by Mark Terkessidis
(in German)

What does this re-emergence mean for the Federal Republic of Germany? Shouldn’t the German striving for conquest towards the East also play a role in the “postcolonial” view? The new culture of remembrance has serious implications for the self-image of a country whose population is becoming increasingly diverse. The long shadow of the German “cultural mission” can be found today, for example, in the way it deals with the “debt crisis”, with migration and flight, and in everyday racism.

The Master's Tools Will Never Dismantle the Master's House

by Audre Lorde
(in English)

From the self-described “Black, lesbian, mother, warrior, poet”, these soaring, haunting essays on women’s power, poetry and rage are filled with darkness and light.
The collection of essays explores her experiences as a “black, lesbian mother” and how these aspects of her identity intersect in white patriarchy in ways that delegitimise black, female and lesbian experiences. She presents emotions as both a means of empowerment and self-expression. The “erotic” becomes something that is not exclusively limited to sex – rather, it is a state of emotional freedom. A self-defined truth. Here I understood that breaking out of the system of oppression – the “master’s house” – required a break with the metrics of “good” womanhood, “good” rebellion, “good” emotion. It projected a powerful message about the importance and primacy of women’s emotions and desires in a system that facilitates oppression through their oppression.

All about love

by bell hooks
(in English)

The word ‘love’ is usually defined as a noun, but we would all love better if we used it as a verb,” bell hooks writes combatively and fierily in her book All About Love. Here, renowned scholar, cultural critic and feminist bell hooks, at her most provocative and personal, offers a proactive new ethic for a society plagued by lovelessness – not a lack of romance, but a lack of caring, compassion and unity. People are divided, she explains, because society has failed to provide a model for learning to love.
With her sharp mind, bell hooks explores the question “What is love?” and her answers strike both the mind and the heart. She rips apart the cultural paradigm that ideal love is steeped in sex and desire, and reveals a new path to love that is sacred, redemptive and healing for the individual and for the nation. The Utne Reader declared bell hooks one of the “100 visionaries who can change your life”. All About Love is a powerful, timely affirmation of how profoundly her revelations can change hearts and minds for the better.

Vai pure

by Carla Lonzi
(in Italian)

Vai pure is the four-day recording of a report on the irreconcilable points of two individuals who are two cultures: that of the woman who seeks to lay the foundations for her recognition, that of the man who refers to the needs of ‘what is’ that are his needs. This dialogue was not altered by the presence of a possible future reader because it was not recorded to be published, but revealed itself to be published. A gesture of intervention that breaks the omertà of the relationship between two.

In Search of Our Mothers’ Gardens

by Alice Walker
(in English)

In this, her first collection of nonfiction, Alice Walker speaks out as a black woman, writer, mother, and feminist in thirty-six pieces ranging from the personal to the political. Among the contents are essays about other writers, accounts of the civil rights movement of the 1960s and the antinuclear movement of the 1980s, and a vivid memoir of a scarring childhood injury and her daughter’s healing words.

The Importance of Mediators, Bridge Builders, Wall Vaulters and Frontier Crossers

by Alexander Langer
(in English)
This contribution, where thoughts and memories are interwoven, strives to take up some of the most significant themes and suggestions of those who, especially in the green world, assiduously frequented Alex, the green prophet, particularly during the World Environment Conference promoted by the UN in 1992 in Rio de Janeiro, starting with the question of the limits of development, the emergence of a new ecological conscience, the wounds of the earth, the ecological challenge central to his vision of the world and in that world of green sowing, made up of encounters, in which lifestyles and ecological conversion were the premises for real change, towards a sustainable future.


Scritti e ricordi – Schriften und Erinnerungen
Andreina Emeri 1936-1985
edited by Ingrid Facchinelli, Edi Rabini
(bilingual in German/Italian)

Twenty years ago, Andreina Emeri, mother of four, lawyer, politician and front woman of the feminist movement, died unexpectedly during a trip through Norway. While friends, acquaintances and fellow campaigners still remember her vividly and she is always mentioned in connection with the Second Women’s Movement, little is generally known about her otherwise very eventful life.

The aim of this publication is to keep the memory of Andreina Emeri alive and to give an insight into Emeri’s various fields of activity. Information is to be made accessible and encourage further thought and deepening. The examination of the past is intended to provide an incentive to take stock of the current situation.

Femminicidi a Processo

Dati, stereotipi e narrazioni della violenza di genere
by Alessandra Dino
(in Italian)

The book presents the results of a research on the representations of feminicide in the Italian justice system, illustrating the theoretical framework, the methodological choices, the analytical framework and the instruments. The theme of power and inequality between the sexes is analysed through the definitions provided in the legal sphere and in the penal codes, exploring the social meanings and questioning the possible political and economic anchorages, through Bourdieu’s model of the “legal field” as a place of expression of a symbolic force that contends for power with other “social fields”.

Le conseguenze.

I femminicidi e lo sguardo di chi resta
by Stefania Prandi
(in Italian)

A three-year-long reportage that tells, through the words of those who survive feminicide, the dramatic outcomes of gender-based violence.

Mothers, fathers, sisters, brothers, daughters and sons live the consequences of feminicide. They are left with the days afterwards, the still memories held in frames, the legal costs, the humiliation in the courts, the media accusations of ‘she had it coming’, ‘she was no good’.

More and more family members are waging daily battles: some write books, organise meetings in schools, launch petitions, raise funds. All with the aim of demonstrating that a feminicide cannot be attributed to chance, but is a phenomenon with deep cultural and social roots, rooted in a still widespread sense of ownership and domination of men over women.

Die linke Hand der Dunkelheit

by Ursula K. Le Guin
(in German)

I will write my report as if it were a story … because truth is a matter of imagination.

The inhabitants of the planet Gethen are amazingly similar to us humans – with one difference: they do not know two genders. In their culture, gender-specific power struggles as we know them are not possible. But there are other forms of power … The most important novel about gender roles and their effects on society to date, and one that has left its mark far beyond science fiction.

Citizen- An American Lyric

by Claudia Rankine
(in English)

In this moving, critical and fiercely intelligent collection of prose poems, Claudia Rankine examines the experience of race and racism in Western society through sharp vignettes of everyday discrimination and prejudice, and longer meditations on the violence – whether linguistic or physical – which has impacted the lives of Serena Williams, Zinedine Zidane, Mark Duggan and others.
Citizen weaves essays, images and poetry together to form a powerful testament to the individual and collective effects of racism in an ostensibly ‘post-race’ society.

Santa o sgualdrina / Hure oder Heilige

Essere Donna in Italia / Frau sein in Italien
by Barbara Bachmann, Franziska Gilli
(in Italian and German)

In the country of seducers and gentlemen, where the mother is an icon, an average of one woman is killed every three days, in most cases by her partner. While in prime time crowds of showgirls occupy the screens boosting the audience, the interpretation of the woman promoted by the Vatican continues to be omnipresent. What does it mean to be a woman today in Italy? Journalist Barbara Bachmann and photographer Franziska Gilli travelled across the country to find out. In seven chapters, inspired by the deadly sins and their antitheses, they tell stories of lust and discipline, sloth and zeal, anger and love in words and pictures. Investigation unfolds between the stories of a couple grappling with the challenge of equality during a covid-19 epidemic, a girl obsessed with controlling her body, mothers traumatised by experiences of midwifery violence and feminists struggling to break free from gender stereotypes.

Mädchen, Frau etc.

by Bernardine Evaristo
(in German)

In “Girl, Woman, other” Bernardine Evaristo weaves the stories of black women over a century into a unique and multi-voiced panorama of our time. An impressive novel about origins and identity that reminds us of what holds us together.

Playwright Amma is on the verge of a breakthrough. In her first production at London’s National Theatre, she grapples with her identity as a black, lesbian woman. Her good friend Shirley, on the other hand, is burnt out after decades of working in underfunded London schools. Carole, who now works as a successful investment banker, owes a lot to Shirley, her former teacher. Carole’s mother Bummi also wants to stand on her own two feet and starts a cleaning company. She grew up in poor circumstances in Nigeria and gave her daughter Carole an English first name for good reasons.

Even though the women, their roles and life stories in Bernardine Evaristo’s Girl, Woman, etc. are very different, their decisions, their struggles, their questions never stand alone, they all tell of the desire to find a place in this world.

A Handbook For My Lover

by Rosalyn D’Mello
(in English)

Guised as an instructive manual, A Handbook For My Lover chronicles six years in the life of an unconventional affair between a young woman writer and her older photographer lover. The sensuous epistle documents the woman’s demands and desires, her fantasies and eccentricities as she negotiates the minefield that is their relationship.
A Handbook For My Lover is a poetic, erotic account of two lovers fated to seek refuge in the transient. It is a celebration of all that is momentary and fleeting rather than that which is permanent.

What we're told not to talk about

Womens’ voices from east London to Ethiopia
by Nimko Ali
(in English)

What do you do when you’re homeless and on your period? What does it feel like to have a poo following childbirth? How do we learn to love our bodies again after they’ve been abused? It’s rude. It’s improper. It’s disgusting. All justifications that leave women’s questions about their bodies unanswered. And activist Nimko Ali has had enough of it. Following her own experience of FGM and rebuilding her relationship with her body, this important book contains the true stories of women sharing what they’ve always been told is secret and shameful – from east London to Ethiopia, from pregnancy to menopause. This is a call to arms. This is a cry to reclaim the narrative around our fannies and to refuse the taboos that silent us.





Reading events
Feminist and transfeminist readings

6pm – 8pm
@ Lungomare

NON UNA DI MENO Bolzano invited to a first reading circle by sharing books that have inspired their feminist journey in recent years. The audience was invited to contribute to the reading themselves or just listen and be inspired.



Desire and anger generate worlds. Evening of readings of utopian/dystopian texts and feminist fiction.
6pm -8pm
@ Lungomare

How do feminist authors imagine the world? How do they recount their desire and anger?
On 19 August we met again at the Reading Garden at Lungomare to read and talk about texts that have helped us imagine a different future, and to better understand the present. Everyone was invited to bring their favourite books or comics (but also TV series, cartoons) and share why they liked them. Or, if preferred, just sit back and listen to the others read.

Organised by:
Non Una di Meno Bolzano-Bozen
#keinemehr Berlin


Reading and Book presentation by/with Rosalyn D'Mello

8 pm
@ Lungomare

Reading Garden Lungomare invited Rosalyn D’Mello, a feminist writer, art critic, columnist, essayist, editor and researcher who grew up in Mumbai and Delhi and now lives in South Tyrol. Rosalyn D’Mello presented two of her books: “A Handbook for My Lover” and “The Domestic Nomad”.
“A Handbook for My Lover” tells of the six-year, unconventional relationship between a young writer and her older lover, a photographer. The sensual letter documents the woman’s demands and desires, her fantasies and eccentricities, while addressing the complexity of their relationship.
“The Domestic Nomad” is an artist’s book published by Eau & Gaz in Eppan and traces Rosalyn D’Mello’s travels through Italy during her 2018 artist residency.

This event was part of BAW – Bolzano Art Weeks program.